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  • jillhobones


After learning more tricks I can do with GIMP through Davies Media Design's YouTube videos, I played around and changed the book cover for Shadows in the Soul, (and tweaked my other book covers), but these are not the only changes I am making.

I've had something haunting the back of my mind for a very long time, and after much thought I've decided to take the steps to make the change.

Sometime later this year I will officially change my author name to one that is more professional.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jill, and she means a lot to me because we've through so much together, and my son help create her, but I feel as if I've outgrown the name to use on my published works. She'll still be around, mostly participating in the NaNoWriMo challenge every year and other sites she frequents.

I already have the name chosen, and started to work with Smashwords, Amazon, and a few other companies in getting my books listed under the new name, but I, under the pen name Jill H. O'Bones will still own the copyrights for the books published under that name, and any new book a part of a series started under that name, (hint hint) will be copyrighted under both her name and the new pen name. All new story lines will be copyrighted under the new pen name.

Once everything is ready, and the changes begin, which I plan to happen all within the same week, I will post links to the new web page, Facebook, (which I have already created, but have not advertised since things still in the process,) and a few other sites, but there is the possibility that I will not visit Jill's original social sites after posting the links.

Print copies of books originally published under Jill H. O'Bones may no longer be available for a period of time under the new pen name due to re-submissions, ISBN, re-printing costs/preexisting inventory, and other issues. Ebooks should only take a few days to a week to switch over, depending on the retailer and any bugs in the systems so to avoid readers buying the same book under the new author's name and vice versa, which is one of the reasons I am keeping the book covers the same, and updating "Shadows..." at this time. (Shadows'... new cover design will not be available in print format until after the author name switch.)

I'm really excited about this new path I am taking and hope you will walk it with me.

Jill H. O'Bones......

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