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  • jillhobones

To NaNo or Not to NaNo

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

All month I've been asking myself, do I want to NaNo this year? The answer is yes and no. No because I just started editing last year's NaNo project, which is now over 170,000 words, that I have been lovingly calling the Nano Monster. I finished the first draft around the end of August and I had the hopes of getting the first round of editing done before NaNo month, but nope, I only got through the first five chapters before deciding to rewrite them, and that is what I've been working on. So just tonight I've decided that last year's Nano Monster is going on vacation so I can NaNo this year! to give both it and myself a break from each other and get this other story, which has been gnawing away at my brain for most of the year, life...

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