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  • jillhobones


Updated: Apr 10, 2020

This has been a busy month for me, and it's only the 16th. I've finished the first draft of the novel I started for NaNo month, and I've lovingly started to call it the NaNo Monster, for it is, at present 173,000+ words. I do know I have a few tweaks so the beginning of the story's details line up with the middle and end, and I'm going to rewrite the prolog. (A better idea.) But the epilog still puzzles me. I have an addition, but I don't know if I should include it. So I'm now taking my break period before I start to edit and there have been two projects I've been thinking about since last year. The first was to put all of the Vows into one book, and I've got it done! The Vows Trilogy will be available in paperback ONLY in a few weeks. Amazon already has it, and I'll get it added to my author page really soon. The second project was inspired by my son. He's been posting "Let's Plays" on YouTube (Video game recordings), and I thought it would be cool to make up some book trailers, but I had no clue where to start or how to work the movie maker program my son bought. It took some practice, but I've got them done! All 5 of them. And now I have a YouTube channel! It was fun, a little frustrating, but fun. I'm sure I've missed some cool details in the program, but the NaNo monster will need one too! (But then again just using pictures has probably reduced my options.) So now that my extra projects are done, I'm going to read a few dusty books from my shelf before I start the first stage of the editing nightmare.

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