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Reviews for

Behind the Vines

goodreads review

May 30, 2015

Jacy rated it 4 of 5 stars

I read an ARC

The story was intriguing and I enjoyed it greatly. While the concept is not new, it was a refreshing change. While Lisa takes Thomas back to his mother's grave, she finds a journal and in it is the most amazing story. One can't determine if it is all in Elizabeth's mind or if it really happened. The story itself is about self discovery and life. Elizabeth is given a terrible set of circumstances and through learning about herself and becoming who she was meant to be, she finds that life has a way of being perfect all on it's own. Lisa also learns a thing or two, even if you only get a few moments with her. I fell in love with the characters and the world. I hope that Grom finds his special someone and that Thomas returns to his family someday! review of prologue sample


       July 27, 2015


Review of Behind the Vines sample  

Review by Scorpio (167) 


Rated: E  | (4.5)

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WOW! Great start. I will be looking forward to reading your book. I like the way the prologue gives you a lot but not everything. It makes you want to read more and more and that is exactly what writing is all about. Your scene of her entering the bedroom is great. I could feel her hurt and see the room and the sweater she held of her friend. Her father must have been quite a monster from the description you have given. The note from her aunt was a nice added touch. It is obvious she loved vines because it was in the wall paper and her friend found her journal that had vines on it. Kind of a strange thing to center on most of your life.

It is rather sad this friend had to die the way she did and had to arrange her very own funeral. I think about people that are alone and may have to do the same. It is very sad. My mother had a cousin who lived alone. Once a yer he would go to Alaska to fish for Salmon, have it canned and bring it home. Then he would make sure to give her some every year. Sad to say, he died alone in his home. someone found him dead beside his bed. I don't know who, I just remember thinking how very sad it was.

I think your book will be a hit. At least from what I have read it should. Great wok! Keep on writing.


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